My Whole30 Experience
Back in the summer I read a few testimonials on the Whole30 program and thought "hmm, that sounds like an interesting thing to try..." I told my mom and sister that I was thinking about trying it and they both laughed out loud. Anyone who knows me knows that before I did this program I was all about sugar loaded coffees and cherry limeades from Sonic. Not to mention, I have an obsession with tacos/any and all Mexican food.... and CHEESE. I need my cheese. The stress of planning a wedding, trying to buy a house/get renovations started before the winter and learning a brand new job caused my eating habits to become far from ideal. I love food. Food is what I look forward to. Food is what makes me feel better. Food is a gift from God. Food can easily become a god if we're not careful and for me, it had. After a stressful day I would reward myself. Whether this be with tacos and cheese, cheese and more cheese or a chocolate milkshake from Chick-fil-a (if it's f...